
Interested in sponsoring DAT?

As a non-profit organization, Deaf Austin Theatre cannot survive without the generous financial support from our beloved sponsors. Below is the DAT Sponsorship Program and the perks included with each level. At the bottom of this page is a form for you to submit your sponsorship interest, where you can let us know if you want to sponsor a special project or DAT in general. We thank everyone for supporting DAT and our productions.

Sponsorship Levels

Corporate Sponsors

white background with a black circle. inside the circle it says your logo goes here

Individual & Corporate Sponsors

Understudy ($25)

Supporting Actor ($50)

Featured Actor ($100)

      -Margaux Delotte-Bennett

      -Dustin Schell

      -Lisa Duchon

Stage Manager ($500)

     -Steve Baldwin

Designer ($1,000)

     -Sorenson VRS

Director ($1,500)

Producer ($2,000)

The Star ($5,000+)

       -Greater Austin Foundation for the Deaf

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