Support DAT
“Money makes the world go around
The world go around
The world go around
Money makes the world go around
It makes the world go ’round.”
–Cabaret, the musical
Deaf Austin Theatre cannot survive without your support, and every little bit helps. Want to donate once? Great! Want to donate monthly? Even better! All of your donations will be put towards creating even more amazing entertainment through American Sign Language.
Want to become a sponsor? Email to get more information.
We are always on the lookout for ways to further involve the Deaf community and our local Austin community. If you can spare your time, services or be part of our efforts, be sure to contact us at and we will be happy to get you working.
Some of our volunteer needs:
Production: concessions, set/prop build, costumes, audience support, seating etc.
Event Photography
Graphic Design
Event Support
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